Saturday, February 21, 2009

Happy Thinking Day, fellow guides!

Today has been a very special day for all of us.

Today, we received two Gold Puan Noor Aishah Awards.

We would like to give our thanks to:

Our beloved Guiders, who has given us so much help and advice.

Our Ex Sec4s, for the time they had sacrificed in planning for guides and training us in the necessary skills.

Our Sec4s, for the effort and cooperation they have given us ever since we've taken the lead.

The rest of our fellow guides, for working together with us to get to where we are today.

Dear Sec4s, this is our last Thinking Day together. Bookmark it forever in your guiding life!
To serve, to strive, and not to yield!

Cls & ACLs

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Wishing everyone..

A Happy Valentine's Day(:

Have a great day and enjoy yourselves at the FIESTA!

the see-else
the a-see-else

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Hello dear Guides,

here to post some pictures on last week's (or was it last last week's- whoops) Baking Initiative :}
Hope those of you who participated (mostly Sec 3s and PLs) enjoyed yourselves? Put your baking skills into practice for VDay's!

Let the pictures speak for themselves.

The Baking Process

The Masterpieces


Group Pictures

Goodnight! :)

Sunday, February 08, 2009

Sec 3s,
refer to requirements below. DO NOT prepare the scrapbook until we tell you so.

Cedar Secondary School Girl Guides
Knotter Proficiency Badge 2008

1. Do the following:
1.1 Tie each of the following knots neatly and correctly: bowline, clove-hitch, donkey hitch, double overhand, fisherman’s man harness, round turn and two half hitches, sheetbend, timber hitch; and
1.2 Demonstrate the use of any three of the above knots chosen by the tester.

2. Do the following:
2.1 Construct a tripod; and
2.2 Demonstrate square, diagonal and snake lashing; make a gadget using at least two of these.

3. Do the following:
3.1 Re-lay the ends of a rope; and
3.2 Demonstrate three of the following: sailmaker’s whipping, west country whipping, simple whipping, back splice, eye splice.

4. Make one of the following: lanyard, dog lead, string bag, hammock, or equivalent approved by the tester.