Thursday, October 09, 2014

The Guides Uniform

To All Guides, 
The following is the list for the proper attire of full guides uniform. Please refer to this post for preparation of full guides uniform.
  • Only black/blue hair accessory may be worn
  • No other badges is allowed to be worn on the uniform except those stipulated in the policy,organisation and rules
  • No jewellery and make-up 

**Note:(Refer to guides handbook)

Position of badges on uniform
 Right Chest  Left Chest 
 World Badge Patrol Emblem
 Commemorative Badges (left of World  Badge) Bronze, Silver and Gold Badge.
 (One replaces the other progressively  and to be worn to the right of the Patrol  emblem.)
 -  President Guide Award (can be worn on  the Guider’s Uniform)

Proficiency Badges should be sewn:
-          On the right sleeve in pairs going down from shoulder seam (6 badges);
-          Repeat with the left sleeve (6 badges);
-          Back to right sleeve two more columns on either side of the first two (6 badges);
-          Back to left sleeve.
adapted from

- The enrollment badge should be pinned at the middle of the square of the scarf,make sure that it is well polished
- Make sure that patrol emblem and thinking day patch is aligned with the first button!
- For the badges that need to be sewn,make sure they are sewn neatly
**Refer to Guides Handbook pg 26 for the relative positions of the badges


Note:Scarf should not touch the ground at all times.Square should be neat and small with two ends of the scarf equal in length. Make sure that the square covers the first button.State crest should not be covered by the collar.

Hat & Hair- The trefoil on the hat should be on the middle of the head
- The sides should be folded upwards and be starched using starch spray
- Make sure that the hat is not placed on the ground at all time
- Hair should always be neatly tied up if it touches the collar/pinned up for those with short hair. Plaits must be started above the ears

Blouse & Skirt
- Company name tags should be sewn on both shoulders one finger away from the seam of the shirt of the shoulder,ensure that it is positioned in the middle
- The blouse are to be tucked into the skirt at all time,the belt has to be seen 360'c!
- Make sure that skirt is at knee length as unsuitable length would interfere with marching
- Whistle and cord should be at the seam of the skirt at all time
- Rank strips should be sewn around Epaulette with at around 1 finger spacing in between for CL/ACL/PL/PS

Shoes & Socks
- Socks have to be above the ankle with white canvas shoes

Reminder: You are not allowed to leave the toilet before you are in the proper attire

Wednesday, October 08, 2014

Manito Song

Hi Guides,

The following is the lyrics for the manito song. We will be singing the song during annual camp. Please look through and memorise the lyrics.

I love my manito yes I do x3
I love my manito but i won't say who
I've a feeling warm and gay as she cast her eyes my way.
I'll reveal her name some day but who she is I will not say.