Hello Guides,
Here are the criteria for some of the Proficiency Badges.
Sec 1s: Toymaker Proficiency Badge
Sec 2s: Craft & Environment Proficiency Badge
Sec 3s: Reader & Environment Proficiency Badge
Sec 1s:
Toymaker Proficiency Badge
Guides are to complete two of the following clauses in pairs:
- Make two soft toys to demonstrate your ability to sew decorative stitches.
The toy could be animal-shaped of rag-dolls. The use of fabric paint of embroidery is acceptable. Cut-out patterns may be used. - Create a toy vehicle for a toddler with movable wheels from weed, cork or other materials.
- Create a musical chime for a child using recycled materials.
- Dress a doll, the clothes to be removable and similar to those of baby or toddler. The doll may be rag doll made for the test.
- Make a scrapbook to include one page of original illustrations or an original story, eg, A fairy story, nature story, heroic story etc.
- Make a model farmyard or doll’s house, using a combination of cardboards, softboard, plywood and other hobbycraft materials.
Deadline: Term 3 Week 4, 24th July (Fri)
Sec 2s:
Craft Proficiency Badge
Do three of the following clauses:
- Embroider an original design
- Print a piece of material using lino-block, potato-cut, or screen or by tie-dying
- Make a puppet
- Whittle an object from natural food
- Model a figure, or an animal or bird, in lay,using plasticine or wax
- Make a carving in medium, soft enough to be cut easily e.g. soap, remnant cloth, twine
- Make a mosaic
- Make an article using Macramé
- Make an article using a craft other than one of those listed above
- ** In addition, Guides are required to bring to the test one unfinished article other than the craft that she has made, on which she can demonstrate the ability to the tester.,
Assessment Date: Term 3 Week 3, 24th July (Fri)
Sec 2-3s:
Environment Proficiency BadgeIn groups of 2-4 people/individual,
Guides must complete three clauses:
1. Select and view one
environmental video and do a 150 word reflection on the video.
2. Create one of the following:
a. Log book
b. A short video( less than 15
c. PowerPoint
PresentationOn one of the following topics:
• Saving valuable resources
• Pollution and how to prevent it
• Waste disposal in Singapore
• An endangered animal and how it is being protected
3. Using a recycled/scrap materials, create a useful object (not ornamental) and explain in detail the materials that have been used OR make a poster/collage depicting any theme
environmental conservationDeadline: Term 3 Week 7, 14th Aug (Fri)-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sec 3s:
Reader Proficiency BadgeGuides are required to complete the following clauses
1. Do all of the following:
a. Read a book in any language, written by one of the Eastern authors and;
b. Read a storybook written by one of the Western Authors
2. Choose and read a book appropriate to either of the following headings:
a. Science or Nature
b. Travel or Expedition
c. A foreign Country
d. History
e. Biography
f. A book of Poems
3. Show how to use a book of reference (dictionary, thesaurus etc.) and the index of a book during the test
4. Read aloud during the test:
a. A passage of her own choice from a sacred book
b. A passage chosen by Guider
**For the Reader Proficiency Badge Test, Guides are required to bring the passage they will be reading aloud, a book of reference and the short synopsis. A short synopsis should be written for each books under Clauses 1 & 2
Test date: Term 3 Week 4, 24th July (Fri)-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------