Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Please read the following message from HQ.

We are inviting units to attend cooking and craft lessons in preparation for the mini-carnival that will take place on 9 April 20119 April 2011. As the theme for this year's Centenary Celebrations is "Empowering Girls & Young Women", these cooking and craft sessions are meant to empower our girl members with the necessary skills which they will showcase to our Guest-of-Honour, Mrs S R Nathan, the invited guests as well as their fellow girl members who attend the 9 April Centenary Celebrations at the Bishan Sports Stadium. As we have space for only 30 stalls at the mini carnival, this invitation is on 'a first come first served' basis.

Below are the details of the sessions:

1) Cooking session 1:

Date: 5 March 2011 (Saturday)
Venue: Training Room
Time 9.00a.m. to 11.00a.m.
Fees: $10 per girl (Maximum of 4 girls per unit)
Dishes to be taught:

1. Nasi Lemak and Iced Bandung

2. Teh/Kopi Tarik

3. Sweet Corn Hoon Kwe

2) Cooking session 2:

Date: 5 March 2011
Venue: Training Room
Time 11.30a.m. to 1.30p.m.
Fees: $10 per girl (Maximum of 4 girls per unit)
Dishes to be taught:

1. Chicken Curry & Roti Jala/Prata

2. French Pancakes/Crepes

3) Cooking session 3:

Date: 5 March 2011
Venue: Training Room
Time: 2.00p.m. to 4.00p.m.
Fees: $10 per girl (Maximum of 4 girls per unit)
Dishes to be taught:

1. Mee Siam

2. Muffins/Cupcakes with decor

4) Craft session 1:

Date: 12 March 2011 (Saturday)
Venue: Training Room
Time 9.00a.m. to11.00a.m.
Fees: $10 per girl (Maximum of 4 girls per unit)
Craft to be taught:

1. Balloon Sculpting

2. Face Painting

3. Cutesy Doggie

5) Craft session 2:

Date: 12 March 2011
Venue: Training Room
Time 12.00noon. to 3.00p.m.
Fees: $10 per girl (Maximum of 4 girls per unit)
Craft to be taught:

1. Mehendi Art

2. Beaded Craft

3. Hair Braiding

*Those who are interested please tell the secretaries.

- CLs & ACLs.

Thursday, February 03, 2011

Hey Guides,

Enjoy the break!

- CLs & ACLs.