Sunday, May 10, 2009


Here is the farewell video that we didn't have the time to show you guys during performance. We really hope you will enjoy it (:

We're sorry that it was a little late, but we hope that you have enjoyed Farewell 2009.

We'll never regret planning this for you, sec 4s, it was a truly memorable experience.

Good luck for the big O's (:

In case it can't be seen here, it can also be found on youtube.

Note: There's a typo error, it's Enrolment Ceremony 2006, not 2007, Thanks.

Thank you for all the hard work and effort that all of you have put in for Cedar Guides.

Thank you for bringing Cedar Guides to greater heights.

Thank you for bringing out the best in each and every one of us.

Thank you so much.

With love,
Sec 2s 09 (:
I want to linger here,
A little longer here,
A little longer here with you.

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