Friday, September 04, 2009

Guides who are attending next Friday's South Division Day, please check that your names are included in the list below and that you have collected your consent forms.

Consent forms must be signed and brought on Friday.

Sec 1s:
1. Amalena
2. Ren Yi
3. Chelsea
4. Si Yun
5. Amira
6. Farizan
7. Wan Yi
8. Nadine
9. Zhen Hui
10. Alison
11. Amanda
12. Samantha
13. Angie

Sec 2s:
1. Rabiatul
2. Nithya
3. Charlene
4. Sabrina
5. Deseree
6. Shirley
7. Carin
8. Claudia
9. Rachel Tham
10. Celest
11. Beatrice
12. Louisa
13. Hazirah
14. Rou Hui
15. Sonita
16. Rachel Loke

Sec 3s:
1. Kaushi
2. Tessa
3. Beaunice
4. Charmaine
5. Abigail
6. Riffana
7. Alex :):):)

Guides participating in the sandwich making competition:
Coy 1:
Kai Xin, Vidhya
Coy 2:
Boon Cheng, Luo Ting

Attire: Blue polo Tee with Guides skirt and belt

Assemble at the school side foyer by 7.30am on Friday.
We will be dismissed by 12.45pm from Queenstown Secondary.

Guides, do your best!

And lastly, happy holidays, remember to study hard during the one week break
and take good care of yourselves, dont fall sick.
We've many post exams activities lined up for you, look forward to them!

CLs and ACLs.

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