Sunday, May 02, 2010

Dear Guides,

Sec 4 Farewell was over almost 2 weeks ago, and the Sec 3s would like to say a few words.

Sec 4s:
Time has indeed passed by really quickly, and it's been two years since we've known you. It was wonderful getting to know you, as you were really great seniors to us.
Thank you for always teaching us, and guiding us in whatever we do. Your presence and guidance always helps. Even though we received scoldings and reprimandings from you once in a while, we believe that it is all these words that will urge us to further improve ourselves. Thank you for encouraging us and motivating us to do our best in whatever we do, especially this year when it's our turn to take over the leadership baton.
Cedar Guides will always have you in our hearts, and we will miss you. Jiayou and all the best for your 'O' Levels. You can do it! Cedar Guides will support you all the way. (:
The Sec 3s here promise to do our best and bring Cedar Guides to greater glory!

Sec 2s:
A very good job for planning Sec 4 Farewell '10! Everything on that day went rather smoothly, and this is all thanks to your efforts put in. This is your first time planning a crucial event, and we hope you have picked up important skills along the way. We also hope that through this successful event, you will be inspired to continue doing your best for Cedar Guides. :)

Sec 1s:
As the Sec 4s leave, it will be your turn to be officially enrolled into the Guiding Family. Be proud to be a Cedar Guide. Your exciting and memorable journey of Guiding is only about to start. :)

Sec 3s

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